


Kiskunlacháza today is also known for it tourist attractions. By the Danube a wide spread holiday resort was established. Opposite the Angel-island is a romantic water world.
The reformed church was built in 1741-42. Next to the church there is a “stone of shame” which was built in the 19th century. Inside the copf style church you can see valuable benches and a decorative pulpit.
The reformed vicarage with pillars and a porch can be found at 40 Kossuth Street. It was built in the early 19th century.
The mayor’s office is at 1 Kossuth square in a one-storey classicist cottage. In front of the building in the park there is a Kossuth-statue made by János Morvay.
The late baroque Catholic church in Pereg was built in 1772-74 and was consecrated to Saint Michael. Inside Prince Imre’s and Saint Vendel’s baroque wooden statues from the 17th century can be seen.
In front of the church in Pereg an interesting, naive romantic small building, the “House with Angels” can be found. Nowadays it works as a pensioner club. With the help of the local residents a notable and rich ethnical collection was brought together. Tel.: (24) 330-116.

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